Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sage and Fabien Spring Litter - 14 Days Old

Sage and Fabien's pups are 2 weeks old today. They are getting big and chunky. Soon they will have opened their eyes and will be playing with one another. They are still sleeping in our room area. They will remain in subdued lighting for the next week or so, until their eyes have completely opened and adjusted to light. Photos will be taken without flash during this time.

Chocolate Female (flower girl)

Pictured above and below:
the black male pup and a chocolate female (purple collar)

The puppies eyes have started to open today.
They are also beginning to stand and walk.

This is a black female puppy.
She is moving forward towards the camera.
With out the flash, it is difficult to get her dark coloring while she is in motion.